Tuesday, December 30, 2008

29 for 35 = A Big Baby?

So, Nicole recently visited her doctor.

Doctor informed Nicole that she is measuring at 35 weeks.

Nicole is 29 weeks.

Big baby?

For those who haven't seen our baby yet...

This is our baby at 20 weeks...

Music for you Lucky People

So, I'm about to drop a new track on your heads...

Spork Kills
Billy Valentine

If you dig, up-tempo, Hip Hop/Surf Rock...or you don't really know what the hell I'm talking about...you'll dig this!!!


Blogadocious Beginnings - Baby, Birthday and Spork Kills

Well, today is the day I've (I'm the bald guy on the left) decided to create my own blog...to join the land of the bloggers!

My 34th Birthday is in two weeks, my baby is due on March 15 and I've just volunteered to be a part of something destined to be huge...Spork Kills...

This blog will be regularly updated...keeping my "fans" current on all things Sean, Nicole, Baby, Spork Kills and anything else that I feel is fit for consumption!!

Let's keep this short and sweet for today:

1. Check out Spork Kills on myspace and add them up:


2. Check out Spork Kills on facebook and add them up:


3. Pre-order their new EP "Beaches Love Us" through their myspace page:


So, today I spoke with Spork Kills' frontman, Louis Logic, on the phone...and was asked to be a part of the publicist team for the project...

Meaning: Everyone will be hearing everything there is to know about Spork Kills from me...A Lot!!

So, pay attention...you'll thank me for introducing you to their music...